A Lemon Is More Than Its Juice

Everyone knows what lemonade is and how it is made. It is a simple recipe, with some variations thrown for good measure from area to area. Still, the primary recipe of this delicious drink is to extract the juice from the fruit, add water and sugar until it is acceptably palatable. Some people prefer the essence of the lemon to be strong, while others prefer a more subtle taste. Regardless of its preparation, this is drink that has been around for centuries and will survive for many more to come.

Originating originally from India, this citrus fruit has a noticeably sour flavor. Despite this taste, the juice will act as an agent to reduce hyperacidity in the stomach. In fact every single part of the fruit can be used as an agent to help with many maladies. Lemons have many therapeutic uses.

Even the leaves of this fruit are used. A cup of water that has been brought to a boil should be poured over three teaspoons of dried leaves and allowed to sit for ten minutes. Two cups of this preparation per day will relieve fever and cramping. Add a touch of honey and the remedy will quiet coughs and lessen the effects of asthma. As a sleep aid, the ingestion of one cup at night will induce a relaxing and restful sleep.

The peel of the lemon is also used as a therapeutic remedy. It can offer relief from joint or nerve pain; and the oils in the peel is said to relax blood vessels with its anti-inflammatory effectiveness. These healing properties are accomplished by grating the peel and rubbing it on the affected area.

The juice will act as an astringent to sooth sunburn or be used as an emergency disinfectant for minor cuts. Diluted juices used to gargle with will rid the mouth of canker sores, reduce the pain of sore throats, and relieve hoarseness.

Next page: So You Thought Lemons only Made Lemonade

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